Wednesday, October 22, 2014

How to Make your Own Garlic Powder

Garlic Powder
Garlic Powder - Photo by John Phelan

How to Make your Own Garlic Powder

The easiest way to make garlic powder is to use a garlic press in tangent with a dehydrator and a spice grinder. Most of my How to make your own powder recipes are probably going to be that simple. Don't worry I have all kinds of powder recipes to go along with the basic instructions. There is so so much that you can do.

Still I am so thankful that I have a spice grinder because I was reading Mother Earth News (a really cool site) on how to make garlic powder using your oven and it looked like a pain in the bootie. According to Mother Earth News to make garlic powder without a spice grinder and dehydrator you need to:

"First, peel the garlic cloves. Then cut them into thin slices and put in a dry pan. Place the pan in a 150-degree oven to dry the garlic, turning the slices often. Grind the dried slices in a blender, then sift the material through a strainer to separate the chunks from the finer powder."

My DIY Garlic Powder 

I don't know about you but I'd rather just put some garlic in the press, press them onto dehydrator sheets at 135 Degrees and dehydrate them for 4-6 hours before I toss them into the spice grinder and make garlic powder.

One tip I have for making Garlic Powder is to only make a little powder at a time because the dehydrated chunks will stay fresher in nonpowder form. I also don't like to keep dehydrated garlic around indefinitely because it can grow botulism so I usually make it up as I go philosophy.

I am going to be making some garlic powder tonight or tomorrow and will show you a photo or two that way you will know when the garlic is done. Typically it turns brown and becomes very brittle. But still, I know that a picture can speak a thousand words.

Storing Your Own Garlic Powder

If you are planning on storing garlic powder long term, I definitely recommend storing it in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Low temperatures are great at hindering the growth of botulism. Still I wouldn't recommend making large batches of garlic powder at a time. I make a little bit at a time and just make small amounts more frequently. Its a very quick dehydrate so its not really inconvenient (unless you hate the smell of garlic but I love it).

Related Topics

How to Dehydrate Garlic (expanded)
Leek Powder Recipe

Thursday, October 16, 2014

How to Make Your Own Leek Powder

Here is a quick recipe on how to make your own Leek Powder. It is much cheaper than buying it at the store. Dirt Cheap by comparison. I had wonderful results. It made a really tasty powder that tasted similar to green onion. I will post some more uses for leek powder as I discover them. Sorry this post a little ricky ticky. I will improve it when my head clears up.

Leek powder is awesome. It tastes so much better than onion powder especially on pork. Once you go Leek you will never go back.

How to Make Your Own Leek Powder


Dehydrated Leeks
Spice Grinder or Mortar and Pestle


Making Leek Powder is incredibly simple. First you will need to dehydrate some leeks. Leeks are very simple to dehydrate. Basically cut them into 3/4 squares and dehyrate at 135 degrees (F) for about 3-6 hours. I have a link below that will give you more info on dehydrating leeks if you need it.

Then you simply toss them into an electric spice grinder (same thing as a coffee grinder) similar to mine. Whatever you have should hopefully work. I do not think you will be able to get the leeks fine enough with a Food Processor but you can try. I haven't tried it yet but I also think a mortar and pestle should work for making leek powder as long as it is made out of Marble. Avoid the cheap porcelain mortar and pestle sets because they can put potentially hazardous dust into your food.

Then load the spice grinder about a cup at a time and pulse the leeks into a fine powder. Then put them in an airtight glass container (I like baby food jars but I am not sure they are airtight) and store them in a dark place like your spice cabinet. Thanks for reading! Sorry it wasn't my most inspired writing but I wanted to get the basics down.

Related Topics

How to Dehydrate Leeks

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Impossibly Improved CinnaSugar Recipe

Definition CinnaSugar: 1. A mixture of cinnamon and sugar that is very tasty on toast or apple chips, or tortilla chips. 2. A tasty drink from Smirnoff

Improved CinnaSugar Recipe

2 Parts White Sugar
2 Parts Cinnamon
1 Part Brown Sugar

Old CinnaSugar Recipe

1 Part White Sugar
1 Part Cinnamon

The brown sugar just adds a little zing to the recipe. It turned my apple chips from just meh to zinga zing zing. Okay that was stupid but true. I hate all the fancy words and commentary that Foodie Bloggers try to add to their recipes. All anyone wants is the ingredients and the directions anyways. Maybe someday I will get better. The fact that the Thug Kitchen is written by a couple of White Kids from LA cracked me up though. 

This post was dedicated to Cinnamon...

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Apple Chips
Cooltino Cinnamon Tortilla Chips